The Arnprior Club is very pleased to acknowledge the following ACBL
Golden Age Master Recipients
Mac Wilson Gillian Wilson Joe Rick Carl Hendrickson
Randi Huus Eystein Huus Mike Donnelly Leo Coulas
Bill Buttle Linda Buttle Phyllis Brennan Ron Anglin
John Coderre Pat Coderre Sheila Duke
All of our recipients are long time players and enthusiastic ambassadors for the game. They contribute enormously to our Club especially through the guidance, support, and mentoring of less experienced players. Thanks to the ACBL for making it possible to recognize players in this way and a Hat Tip to Patsy Edwards for her fast, responsive, and efficient service.
The Arnprior Duplicate Bridge Club is quite a story. Until fairly recently this town in Eastern Ontario was better known for hunting, fishing and snowmobiling. Now, increasingly, Arnprior is recognized for an active Duplicate Bridge Club.
We play 3-4 times per week. There are monthly seminars and workshops, frequent pot lucks, bar b q’s and other celebrations including (once only) an Opera and Bridge day. Together with our amazing sister clubs in Renfrew and Almonte, we host a great Sectional Tournament (pre-covid). We have been able to make significant cash donations to local institutions and charities and in turn, area merchants support our Tournament to the tune of nearly $10,000 in annual prizes, giveaways and services.
We are not just another bridge club. The Arnprior Duplicate Bridge Club club is about building community in every imaginable way